Program Info
The Beta Opportunity Strategy pursues capital growth and absolute returns over time through a systematic macro approach. The program's main objectives are negatively correlated to the S&P 500 and deliver returns independent of market direction. The strategy is offered through separately managed accounts that produce daily transparency and liquidity.
The Beta Opportunity Strategy is systematic and is founded on Orion Capital's execution model connected to the movement in volatility and S&P pricing. Positions are determined using a combination of fundamental and technical analysis. Orion Capital's execution model takes into account several macro and technical factors to determine when a high probability trade is to be placed. The program will transact in E-Mini futures, Micro E-mini futures, VIX futures. The program seeks to deliver returns in high and low volatility environments. Trades are selected on multiple timeframes, trading around core positions. Trades are generally held between 3 and 80 days.
The program aggressively manages risk by frequently adding and subtracting risk around core long or short positions. Executing conditional exits according to the changing probabilities of each trade, closely monitoring margin to equity, and adhering to the rules of Orion's execution model. Predefined margin-to-equity models are managed for new positions and the overall portfolio to keep risk within downside volatility parameters with an average of 8% M/E. All positions are placed and monitored by Orion’s trading principals."
Manager Info
Christopher Sassi
Mr. Sassi is the President and a Trading Principal of Orion Capital Advisors, Inc. Mr. Sassi is listed as a principal of Orion, effective August 18, 2015, and became registered as an associated person on October 15, 2015. Mr. Sassi began his professional career in the automotive industry at his family owned and operated dealership, Royal Cadillac in 2002. His experiences span across management, operations and sales. In 2009, Mr. Sassi left Royal Cadillac to become a full time trader and portfolio manager for his family office. He is a self-taught trader starting at age 20, with experience using multiple strategies in both the equities and futures markets. Mr. Sassi holds his Series 3 license with the National Futures Association.
Ryan Cormier
Mr. Cormier is the Managing Director and a Trading Principal of Orion Capital Advisors, Inc. Mr. Cormier is listed as a principal if Orion, effective October 10, 2015. Mr. Cormier began his professional career in the US Air Force, Security Forces in 2003. During his time in service, he received the Air Force Achievement medal in 2004 and 2006 and was also deployed overseas. From 2009 to 2014, Mr. Cormier served as a Sports Ticker and Editor for Yankees Entertainment and Sports. In 2012, he began managing his own portfolio of stock options, equity and Futures. He also worked for Mr. Sassi's family office since 2011 as a Trader before founding Orion Capital with Christopher Sassi. Mr. Cormier attended Central Connecticut State University.